Saturday, August 4, 2012

Excuses, Excuses

I know it's been so long since I blogged.  I have no good excuses, except that I HAVE FINISHED MY MASTER'S DEGREE!  I started in June 2011 and finished on July 31, 2012.  I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of myself:)  I worked hard at it because I knew that if I didn't take a full load, I might put it off and get totally burned out.  I'm glad to be done.  I don't have plans to use it right now, but you never know what the future may hold. 

In other news, a couple of friends and I went to Las Vegas for a girl's trip in July.  It was so super fun.  I enjoyed getting away for a couple of days and hanging out by the pool and doing a little shopping and sightseeing.  I gambled a little, but it tears me up to lose money, so I'd prefer to spend it on something material instead.  Ha! 

For one vacation, we went to Arlington to watch my fabulous nephew be sworn into the Air Force at the Texas Ranger's Game.  It was amazing, and sad, and wonderful all at once.  I'm so very proud of him and it didn't hurt that we got to watch the Rangers win!  I REALLY wanted to catch a glimpse of George Bush and Nolan Ryan, but it wasn't to be... :( 

Besides getting to go to the game, we went to Grapevine Mills and visited the aquarium.  It was very cool and the kids were able to get up close to the fish.  We all enjoyed it. 

THEN, on our big family vacay, we went to Concan on the Frio for five days.  It was amazing.  We stayed in a great house that had a bathroom in every room :) and a pool.  I'd say we easily spent five or six hours everyday in the pool.  I loved it and I think we've pretty much decided that we'll be doing it every year.  We may select a different location, but we'll stick with the rental house idea.  I miss it...

That's all I have for now.  I'll try to be better.  Maybe...

Monday, May 14, 2012

I Wonder

Do you ever wonder what other people say about you?  Not speaking ill of you, just describing you.  I was describing one of my dear friends to my sister.  They've met, but are merely acquaintances.  I used words like: funny, always, never, and you'd really like her.  It got me wondering how I'd be described- not remembered, just introduced.  Using words like 'always' and 'never' really don't describe anyone (besides Jesus) because none of us are ever always something.  (I have a point, I'm just not sure what it is.)*  I suppose I wonder what my husband might say about me to others.  Am I always loud or very outspoken?  Am I generous or sometimes selfish?  Do I keep house well or leave things lying around?  Am I spontaneous or a planner?  Would he consider me creative or just beige?  Am I an involved mother or do I stand on the sidelines?  Am I kind and compassionate or do I lack mercy?  Do I forgive easily or turn the other cheek?  Am I quick to anger or patient?  Do I make sound decisions or act on impulse?  I can answer all of these questions for myself, but I'm curious what others may say.  I catch myself telling my own children and students that they shouldn't worry what others think.  That suggestion is ridiculous.  It is quite easy to pretend that we don't care, but ask yourself why you don't pick your nose in public.  ( Don't say it's because it's gross, because it really isn't.  I mean they are YOUR boogers... They're probably cleaner than your feet...)  That's enough of that.

Last weekend was Mother's Day.  It was a nice weekend.  My hubby was out of town, so the kiddos and I spent Saturday and Sunday with my mom.  We had Jambalaya and ice cream.  The grandkids and my sister and I gave mom a hand print frame thing.  I think she really liked it.  I'm thinking of doing one for myself.  I love how it turned out.  The kids had a great time playing together.  We need to do it more often.  Now that it's almost summer, hopefully more of my pictures will include my niece and nephew:)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Not that I'm Counting...

but there are only 27 school days left until summer break.  I CANNOT WAIT.  This has been a long, hard school year.  I'm tired, the kids tired, my kids are tired, my hubby is tired, the dog is tired (not really- just got on a roll).  The only concrete plans we have are going to Concan for a few days and eating.  Mainly eating.  And sleeping- lots of sleeping.  Come on summer- we've been waiting on you.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sin City

Over Spring Break, the hubby, some good friends, and I took a mini vacay to Vegas.  It was fantastic.  I'd never been before, but TP has gone about 30 times, so I had a good tour guide, only he didn't guide.  I thought I'd want to hang out with him and see what he saw and watch him play poker, etc.  However, the oxygen being pumped into my lungs in the casino must have gotten to my head because I grabbed Maranda and we walked up and down the strip for about four hours.  It was fantastic!  It was so cool to see it in a 'girl' way.  We took a few pictures, looked at the things we were interested in, and gambled in every casino we went it- just so we could say we did.  The second day we were there, we walked further down and took the men.  We also took a taxi to the 'old' part of town, Fremont Street.  They had a light show that was amazing.  It's on a dome covering the streets and I've never seen anything like it.  I cannot wait to go back.

Monday, March 5, 2012

In Pictures

On the weekend before Valentine's Day, my sweet niece and nephew came and spent the night.  We had a great time.  We ate chocolate candy for breakfast-

Then, they came last weekend.  We had just as much fun.  This time we didn't have chocolate, but we played in the clean laundry.  We played "Mean Socks." It turns out that when you have socks on your hands they take over and attack other people and tickle them until they hurt.

Wyatt thinks AA's panties are his necklace.

This weekend, we cooked out with mom and dad.  We played with the hula hoop on the patio.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of two boys?  It's practically impossible.  Here's what I got-

Then this appeared in front of my lens
Attention seeker deluxe.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Guess What's Going Around

Hand, Foot, and Mouth is going around Robert Lee.  All of my friend's kids have it/ have had it.  One just went through his second string of it.  I thought you were only able to get it once, but so much for that theory.  Hopefully my kids will steer clear of that.  They've both had it...

This week my sweet father-in-law has been home with Aidyn.  Our sitter is at the stock show, so he came to town to watch our sweeties.  They have really enjoyed their time with him and will be sad to see him go home tomorrow.  We've all loved having him.  Lane asked him if he'd like to come live with us.  PawPaw asked about what Grandma would think and Lane said "She doesn't care!" ha

Tonight is a boy date at the rodeo... TP, my F-I-L and my dad are going out there to see it go down and I'm staying home with the chillins.

This weekend I'm going to get to keep my sweet niece and nephew while their parents have some alone time.  I've missed them, so I'm super looking forward to it.

Right now I should be doing homework, but, well, I'm lazy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Big 'V'

Today is Valentine's Day.  It irritates me to no end when people (especially adults) call it Valentime's Day.  Really?  You haven't seen it on the calendar enough in the last 30 years to know that you're saying/ spelling it incorrectly?  Anyway, this morning I gave my children their Valentine candy and let them eat it for breakfast.  Then I sent them to be dealt with by others... Bet they're cussing me today:)  I got my husband a box of chocolates and am making him chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, black eyed peas, gravy and chocolate dipped strawberries for supper.  He got me............................wait for it......................................Nothing.  It doesn't fit and it's the same thing he got me last year.  Dang.

Friday, February 3, 2012

For Kev-O

Funny story.  Bear with me here...

I have a a friend at school who seriously cracks me up.  He always has a good joke or a funny story or a smart remark.  My friend, Mar, found a picture online that we swore was Kev-o.  Enough so that we emailed it to him and questioned him about ever letting the mullet go.  Turns out it isn't him, but I spent a good part of the day cracking up. 

You decide-

Thursday, February 2, 2012


My son is pretty darn funny.  Here are two things he's said that have cracked me up this week. 

1.  I bought my friend a Dr. Pepper and he asked why I was taking her one.  I told him that she's my friend.  He said "Why is she your friend?"  He's four, so I sufficed it to say that I love her and that's why she is my friend.  He said, "Then why you not take her wine?"  I guess if someone is a GOOD friend, you should offer them wine not Dr. P.

2.  Upon purchasing said Dr. Pepper, Lane asked me if I had seen any Gatorade.  I told him that I only saw DP and Diet Coke.  He told me "Ewww.  Diet Coke is for much older people.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whether Weather~

I don't really like weather.  Any kind of weather.  I don't want to know what you think about the weather, or what Nick What's His Name thinks about the weather.  I figure every day we have a 50% chance of rain- it will either rain or it won't.  I love rain.  I hate lightning, thunder, hail, and tornados.  I hate when people say "If it's already this hot, there's no telling how hot it'll be in July!"  The warmth in January has no bearing on the scorching heat in the summer.  If you don't like it hot, move away from Texas immediately.  One other weather situation I dislike is when it's warm in the winter.  Again, I realize this is in fact Texas, but I like it cold.  It doesn't have to snow or anything, but I'd like to know that if I put on a sweater in the morning I won't be turning on the AC in the afternoon. 

On a brighter note, because it was so beautiful outside (*gag*) we were able to jump on the trampoline and I took some snapshots of the kids.  I like them.  I'm not photographer though, and I realize this...

~Have a good week!

Monday, January 23, 2012

A List*

  • I had my eyeliner tattooed on Thursday evening while my sister and mom watched my kids.  No, it didn't hurt, yes it's black, yes my eyes were swollen the next two days, no I can't wear mascara until Thursday, and yes you should do it. Her name is Elaine Cox.
  • I've already completed my first three assignments for school this semester.
  • This is my second (and last) long semester of graduate school. 
  • I am taking three classes this semester and have two in the first summer.  I should graduate in August.
  • Now that I have something else I SHOULD be doing, I'll probably blog more- my means of procrastination. 
  • I can't procrastinate on Mondays though, because the Bachelor is on and I already have to DVR it so that I can watch it sans commercials while my chillins are in bed.
  • I also can't procrastinate on Wednesdays, because I dig Modern Family and The Middle.  It's family time for Rach, Trint and I. 
  • That is all...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lucky Me!

Tonight is date night...Not as in like a national holiday or anything, just for me.  Well, and Trint.  And my parents- only their date is with the grandchildren.  Rach will be at her dad's and the littles will be with my mom and dad and I will be eating at the Grill.  It's amazing and it's been awhile since I've been there.  I'm excited.  In fact, it's enough to make this unbearable day at school, well, bearable. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


The stomach bug has invaded our home.  On Sunday night, AA randomly threw up then had the poops all day Monday.  I stayed home with her.  Then about 2:30 this morning, Lane came to our bed and shared the contents of his stomach with us.  He took a shower with Trint while I cleaned up my bed and got stuff washing.  Of course it was on the sheets and my comforter... Lovely.  We stayed up until around 4:30 when he and I finally dozed off.  My alarm went off at 6:20 and Lane wanted to come to SCHOOL!  Trint is at home with him and I'm on duty at lunch for the rest of the day.  I can hardly keep my eyes open.  Hopefully he'll want to take a nap because if not, he'll have to watch Sponge Bob while I do!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flakey *

We got beautiful snow last night.  It started around 9:00 and came down so fast.  It looked like someone was just dumping buckets of snow from the sky. 

I'm so thankful for the moisture that it provided for our town and those around us.  It doesn't matter to me whether it's rain, sleet, snow or hail.  When we got up this morning, the kids played in the snow- as we had a 10:00 start for school.  My sweet, sweet babysitter hadn't had any electricity since midnight last night (they live out of town) so I told her to get her cold booty and kids to my house.  She's keeping my kids at home:)  So sweet little hostess AA went to the bathroom and brought Kara (our darling sitter) a beer back from the fridge, at 10:30 this morning.  She got her feelings hurt that Kara refused, but if y'all are looking for a waitress...

Friday, January 6, 2012


I haven't posted in awhile...I'm sure no one has noticed.  Allow me to explain why.  I am crazy.  That is all.

Kidding.  Well, partially.  I have too much free time right now.  ASU doesn't officially start until January 17th, and while public school started on the 2nd, I'm still free at night.  It would be too easy to post at that time.  I like to wait and upload pictures and tell you about the happenings in our family when I should be doing something constructive like writing a ten page research paper.  So you see, when I have less time to be blogging, that's when I'll start.  But for now...

Christmas is my favorite time of the year.  I think this has been the best Christmas ever.  We went to Lampasas on the weekend of the 18th and did three Christmases in three days.  It was crazy.  Then we came back and the kids and  I had two more days of school.  THEN...We stayed HOME!!! It was so wonderful!  on Christmas morning we woke up and piddled and saw what Santa brought.  Then we got Rachel and opened presents and lounged around.  Late that afternoon my mother and father in law came to our house and the kids showed off their loot.  Finally we headed to my parents, opened presents, and ate tamales and beans and lots of yummy stuff.  Afterward, we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and had cake. 

I got everything I wanted for Christmas: a Keurig Coffee Pot (two weeks before Christmas!!), three happy kids, one potty trained two year old, and gave my hubby EXACTLY what he wanted- a pistol and a new rifle.  He's lucky to have me.