Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Guess What's Going Around

Hand, Foot, and Mouth is going around Robert Lee.  All of my friend's kids have it/ have had it.  One just went through his second string of it.  I thought you were only able to get it once, but so much for that theory.  Hopefully my kids will steer clear of that.  They've both had it...

This week my sweet father-in-law has been home with Aidyn.  Our sitter is at the stock show, so he came to town to watch our sweeties.  They have really enjoyed their time with him and will be sad to see him go home tomorrow.  We've all loved having him.  Lane asked him if he'd like to come live with us.  PawPaw asked about what Grandma would think and Lane said "She doesn't care!" ha

Tonight is a boy date at the rodeo... TP, my F-I-L and my dad are going out there to see it go down and I'm staying home with the chillins.

This weekend I'm going to get to keep my sweet niece and nephew while their parents have some alone time.  I've missed them, so I'm super looking forward to it.

Right now I should be doing homework, but, well, I'm lazy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Big 'V'

Today is Valentine's Day.  It irritates me to no end when people (especially adults) call it Valentime's Day.  Really?  You haven't seen it on the calendar enough in the last 30 years to know that you're saying/ spelling it incorrectly?  Anyway, this morning I gave my children their Valentine candy and let them eat it for breakfast.  Then I sent them to be dealt with by others... Bet they're cussing me today:)  I got my husband a box of chocolates and am making him chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, black eyed peas, gravy and chocolate dipped strawberries for supper.  He got me............................wait for it......................................Nothing.  It doesn't fit and it's the same thing he got me last year.  Dang.

Friday, February 3, 2012

For Kev-O

Funny story.  Bear with me here...

I have a a friend at school who seriously cracks me up.  He always has a good joke or a funny story or a smart remark.  My friend, Mar, found a picture online that we swore was Kev-o.  Enough so that we emailed it to him and questioned him about ever letting the mullet go.  Turns out it isn't him, but I spent a good part of the day cracking up. 

You decide-

Thursday, February 2, 2012


My son is pretty darn funny.  Here are two things he's said that have cracked me up this week. 

1.  I bought my friend a Dr. Pepper and he asked why I was taking her one.  I told him that she's my friend.  He said "Why is she your friend?"  He's four, so I sufficed it to say that I love her and that's why she is my friend.  He said, "Then why you not take her wine?"  I guess if someone is a GOOD friend, you should offer them wine not Dr. P.

2.  Upon purchasing said Dr. Pepper, Lane asked me if I had seen any Gatorade.  I told him that I only saw DP and Diet Coke.  He told me "Ewww.  Diet Coke is for much older people.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whether Weather~

I don't really like weather.  Any kind of weather.  I don't want to know what you think about the weather, or what Nick What's His Name thinks about the weather.  I figure every day we have a 50% chance of rain- it will either rain or it won't.  I love rain.  I hate lightning, thunder, hail, and tornados.  I hate when people say "If it's already this hot, there's no telling how hot it'll be in July!"  The warmth in January has no bearing on the scorching heat in the summer.  If you don't like it hot, move away from Texas immediately.  One other weather situation I dislike is when it's warm in the winter.  Again, I realize this is in fact Texas, but I like it cold.  It doesn't have to snow or anything, but I'd like to know that if I put on a sweater in the morning I won't be turning on the AC in the afternoon. 

On a brighter note, because it was so beautiful outside (*gag*) we were able to jump on the trampoline and I took some snapshots of the kids.  I like them.  I'm not photographer though, and I realize this...

~Have a good week!