Monday, May 14, 2012

I Wonder

Do you ever wonder what other people say about you?  Not speaking ill of you, just describing you.  I was describing one of my dear friends to my sister.  They've met, but are merely acquaintances.  I used words like: funny, always, never, and you'd really like her.  It got me wondering how I'd be described- not remembered, just introduced.  Using words like 'always' and 'never' really don't describe anyone (besides Jesus) because none of us are ever always something.  (I have a point, I'm just not sure what it is.)*  I suppose I wonder what my husband might say about me to others.  Am I always loud or very outspoken?  Am I generous or sometimes selfish?  Do I keep house well or leave things lying around?  Am I spontaneous or a planner?  Would he consider me creative or just beige?  Am I an involved mother or do I stand on the sidelines?  Am I kind and compassionate or do I lack mercy?  Do I forgive easily or turn the other cheek?  Am I quick to anger or patient?  Do I make sound decisions or act on impulse?  I can answer all of these questions for myself, but I'm curious what others may say.  I catch myself telling my own children and students that they shouldn't worry what others think.  That suggestion is ridiculous.  It is quite easy to pretend that we don't care, but ask yourself why you don't pick your nose in public.  ( Don't say it's because it's gross, because it really isn't.  I mean they are YOUR boogers... They're probably cleaner than your feet...)  That's enough of that.

Last weekend was Mother's Day.  It was a nice weekend.  My hubby was out of town, so the kiddos and I spent Saturday and Sunday with my mom.  We had Jambalaya and ice cream.  The grandkids and my sister and I gave mom a hand print frame thing.  I think she really liked it.  I'm thinking of doing one for myself.  I love how it turned out.  The kids had a great time playing together.  We need to do it more often.  Now that it's almost summer, hopefully more of my pictures will include my niece and nephew:)

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