Friday, September 30, 2011


"Poop" is Lane's favorite word.  I don't know why.  His answer to everything includes the word poop.  "Lane, how do you spell your name?" Lane: "L-A-N-E.  Poop"  Me: "What word starts with 'C'?" Lane: "Poop.  Cloud."  It could be worse.  Aidyn says, "Dammit, dammit, dammit.  Poop."  See, there's a silver lining to every cloud.  Hopefully she taught Cady that word last night.  I don't want my kid to be the only one... :)

In other news, I'm pooped.  (See how I did that?  I titled my post, then used that word in a different context.  I can tell you're impressed.)  On Tuesday, we had the Pregnancy Help Center Fundraiser.  On Wednesday, I took 8 girls to Mr. Gatti's for Rachel's twelfth birthday.  (Still in recovery...)  On Thursday, we had family over for her family birthday celebration.  It was fantastic.  Tonight we have football.  Tomorrow morning I have Cross Country and tomorrow night is Cadence's birthday party.  



  1. Why is it that kids like to say that word? Karter especially!

  2. Becuase its a cool word!
