Sunday, September 4, 2011

Almost Never...

Ever had one of those days when you wake up so filled with snot that you're sure your face will come blowing off any second?  I'm rarely sick.  I hate to be sick.  I will myself to stay healthy.  That has not been the case this year.  In June of this year I got very ill.  I saw my doc, Dr. C four times in two weeks.  After about two dozen blood tests, four different drugs, and hydrocodiene for a headache I couldn't kick, he still didn't know what I had.  His best explanation was Bacterial Menengitis. Yippee for me!!!  I lost about 10 pounds in two weeks.  I've attached before and after photos of myself.  I'm sure you can see the substantial weight loss. 

Anyhoo, I wouldn't recommend this method of weight loss.  It pretty much sucked.  I just have a cold this time, but it makes me nervous to think about being that sick again. 

In other news, here are some snapshots of our week.  We have Steer Spirit!

Here's my big boy who started Pre-K this year.  He LOVES school!

My big, beautiful 6th Grader- she got contacts, but they hadn't come in for this pic.

Sometimes I draw on my children with eyeliner.  I don't know why, so don't ask.  Trint asked if it was Sharpie.  Seriously? 

In typical dad fashion, here's my son scratching his butt and holding his balls...

 This is a photo of Aidyn being sweet...

Have a good Labor Day weekend!

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