Monday, December 5, 2011

'Tis the Season

I love Christmas music.  I love the smell of my freshly purchased Christmas tree.  I love the lights, and the stockings and the snowmen, and the angels.  I listened to Christmas music on my computer today at school- all day- during all of my classes.  I'm not sure we even accomplished anything, but we are all in the Christmas spirit. 

Last night, we decorated the tree and house.  Taking a picture of three kids in front of the tree is challenging...

I totally dig my tree.  It's got all white lights, and it's uniform and has a particular number of ornaments and it is perfectly wonderful. 

However, when I was decorating my home, I realized that this was all I had left of my Nativity Set...

but, I guess that's the only part that truly matters.  If you've ever had a baby, you know that love and hope you feel when you hold him for the first time.  You know the gooey mess they are, and the way their fingers curl around one of yours.  You understand how one tiny look melts your heart and how sending them to the nursery for a bath inflicts heartache and a yearn for them to return to your side.  Have you ever been around sheep?  They're dumb, dumb, dumb, and they don't smell all that great.  Hay is itchy, and donkeys are obnoxiously loud.  Cows are big and cranky and horses kick.  How's that for a delivery room?  No epidural, no soap, no gloves, and here you are giving birth to the savior of the world- one who would eventually die for the sins of you and the rest of humanity.  Can you imagine giving birth to a Son who is sentenced to death?  This Christmas season I encourage you to take advantage of what's already been sacrificed for you and yours- invite Jesus to be a part of your holiday and everyday.  When you hug a baby, imagine the hope that Mary felt and the loss she encountered when she saw him nailed to a cross.  When you open a gift, take a moment to feel the security of the greatest gift of all- that of love, hope, and forgiveness.  Don't forget the sacrifice given in your honor and the conquering of life over death and in it the promise of eternal life.  For in Christmas, in Christ, in love- there is HOPE.  The gifts have been given.  Everything else is stuff. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Last week my sweet, darling, foul-mouthed AA asked me, "Mommy, can I say oh shit?"  After I did the heimlich on myself, I told her that we should not say that word.  Here's the conversation that followed:

AA: I say darn it?
Me: Yes.
AA: I say dagunit?
Me: Yes.
AA: I say poop?
Me: Yes.
AA: I say oh shit?
Me: Still no.
AA: Ok.

Fabulous.  In other Aidyn news, when I went to pick her up from the sitter yesterday, she came out of the door hollering, "Hello Miss Palmer!"  "Hello Miss Mommy!"  She called me 'Miss Mommy' for the rest of the day.  It was sooooo cute.  She's such a stinker.

Lane is doing well in school.  He had a difficult day yesterday, though.  He decided to act like one of his classmates and didn't want to do his work.  Of course he eventually did it and we had a little Come to Jesus meeting last night.  WE decided that WE wanted to do our work so that WE wouldn't get a spanking everyday after school... WE'll see how that goes...

Rachel is doing fantastic in school.  We're in the middle of Academic UIL and it's so busy and crazy.  She made the Social Studies team and the Listening Skills team.  She made all A's on her report card and has over 100 AR points so far.  It's crazy.  She's so smart and has good friends. 

We're trucking along finishing up Christmas shopping.  I'm going to Lubbock on Saturday with my mom and sister and have one black Friday item to purchase.  We just like to go.  I know, we're crazy.  I'm hoping to be done before December 1st.  I got a late start this year, so I'm allowing a little extra time.  I'll let you konw if I find any unbeatable deals!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Today I did something I never do.  I turned the page on the calendar before the first of the month.  This is something I've never done.  I always wait until the first day of the month to flip the page up.  It seems a little like counting your chickens before they hatch.  Today was different though.  I'd like for October to be over.  It's been a bit of a stressful month.  Also, on Monday the 31st, my sweet father in law is having an aneyurism repaired in his heart.  I've done plenty of research on the surgery- that's what I do.  I need facts, statistics, and a real life picture to connect to.  I know that when they open up his heart, they'll find:

and they'll definitely find

Please pray that November first comes quickly and quietly and that the days leading up to it are uneventful. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Week in Pictures

This week has been something else.  It's flown by, but been slow day by day.  I'm perfectly aware that that doesn't make any sense, and I don't want to talk about it.  On Monday I had District Cross Country.  My kids were awesome and we'll be going to the Regional Meet in Arlington next weekend.  On Tuesday, Aidyn made an omelet in the floor. 

Here's how the conversation went:
Me: Aidyn, get out of here.
AA: What  you doin?
Me: Cleaning up this mess.
AA: Those eggs?
Me: Yes, those are eggs.
AA: What happened?
Me: Some little girl cracked 7 eggs on the floor.
AA: Huh?

It's like chasing around a gallon of snot.  They don't scoop, or soak up!  It was gross. 

Here are some cute pictures of my sweetie pies.  They went to the Black-Out Pep Rally last night in the gym.  Our Cheer Sponsor, M, sells all this glowy stuff and of course we had to have one of everything.  They both have in glowing vampire teeth.

Aidyn didn't go to the Pep-Rally.  We stayed home and watched the baseball game.

This is my hat that she's wearing.  I wore it to school yesterday, and I also rode my broom to work this morning. 

The most exciting adventure this week happened on Wednesday.  At Cross Country practice, I was tying orange tape in the trees every half mile.  Around mile 2, I jumped out of my car and the rocks slipped out from under me.  I scraped my leg, hit my arm down my running board and car, and broke my butt.  Seriously.  It hurt so bad, but I still had a mile to go.  If Trint hits me on the butt one more time, he's going to need an eye patch.  (If you don't want to see old lady booty, don't scroll down...You've been warned...)

Here's to next week...

Monday, October 17, 2011

5 Things

I'm going to tell you five things that I love about my husband.  I'd give you ten, but I don't want anyone throwing up or anything...

1.  He always supports me, at least in front of others, even when he doesn't think I'm right.

2. He lets me go to bed early, even though he hasn't been home very long and we haven't been able to visit.

3.  If I bring a load of clothes in the living room to fold, he'll help me without being asked, or he'll offer to put them all away.

4.  I love the way he writes his "R."  It's weird, I know, but I like it.  The last stick sticks out straight. 

5.  He takes care of the kids sometimes while I finish homework, even though it's my own fault that I didn't finish it earlier.

**I think sometimes we (me) spend so much time picking out the negative qualities in our mate, children, kid's teachers, friends, etc., that we forget to count our blessings.  Here's my 'ah ha!' moment: Two weeks ago, my principal lost his son.  He'd been sick for quite some time and they knew the day would come eventually, but does that really prepare you for the death of your five year old?  Yesterday, my kids were CrAzY!  There was lots of screaming and jumping and AA wrote on the wall!  I thought for a moment and decided that Mr. C would love to have one more minute of hearing his son holler out, or need to be fed, or need attention.  That day will never come again for him, so I should count all mine blessings. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


In case you were wondering what your children's teachers are doing on their conferences, this is it...

This is Maranda, one of my besties.  She's the Special Ed. teacher and she purchased all of these props for our hallway in honor of Halloween. 

Another bestie, Micah just had a baby and she's this thin.  I'd like to punch her.

Kelley, my other bestie, is cRaZy!  She's always ready for a good time. 

And here we all are together.  We chose to wear this get up today, instead of on Halloween.  The kids aren't allowed to dress up for school becaue so many of the costumes are out of dress code and get messy, etc. 

These are the friendships that make school interesting.  We love our jobs but you've got to have fun too, or you'll go insane.  Obviously, it may be too late for that. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Her Birfday...(x2)

The 29th was my darling Rachel's birthday.  She turned 12!!  I can't believe it.  Everyday I'm amazed at how she's changing and what she's discovering.  She brings Trint and I and her brother and sister joy every day!

On her actual birthday, our family came to eat shrimp and celebrate. 

After the shrimp, broccoli and cheese casserole (yum!), pasta salad, and homemade cupcakes, we had... SUCKERS!!

(I really do bathe my children.  I'm not sure what happened here.  Cake and lightning storm?)

We all played and had a great time.

The weekend before, Grandma and PawPaw came to visit. 

On October 3rd, my sweet niece turned 2!  Sometimes I think about stealing her away from my sister, but then I realize that I have three of my own.  That's good for now... Saturday we celebrated Cady's birthday.  She was so precious, and we had a great time indulging in chocolate- chocolate everything!

Currently, my oldest daughter is being held hostage in her room by our attack cat, Flower.  It may have something to do with this get up...

Friday, September 30, 2011


"Poop" is Lane's favorite word.  I don't know why.  His answer to everything includes the word poop.  "Lane, how do you spell your name?" Lane: "L-A-N-E.  Poop"  Me: "What word starts with 'C'?" Lane: "Poop.  Cloud."  It could be worse.  Aidyn says, "Dammit, dammit, dammit.  Poop."  See, there's a silver lining to every cloud.  Hopefully she taught Cady that word last night.  I don't want my kid to be the only one... :)

In other news, I'm pooped.  (See how I did that?  I titled my post, then used that word in a different context.  I can tell you're impressed.)  On Tuesday, we had the Pregnancy Help Center Fundraiser.  On Wednesday, I took 8 girls to Mr. Gatti's for Rachel's twelfth birthday.  (Still in recovery...)  On Thursday, we had family over for her family birthday celebration.  It was fantastic.  Tonight we have football.  Tomorrow morning I have Cross Country and tomorrow night is Cadence's birthday party.  


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Home...

See this sweet, adorable little minature pin looking at me through the SCHOOL DOOR?  He's mine.  He needs a new home.  It can be with you or it can be with Jesus.  Seriously. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kitchen Duty...

I made pies this week for a friend's birthday.  We teach together.  That was Tuesday night.  On Wednesday night, I made mini cupcakes for another teacher friend.  They were yum!  I made fudge icing (light on the chocolate) to go on top.  The kids decided they needed sprinkles.  This is not what I had in mind.

Unlike the movies, you do not slip and fall down when you step on millions of these little balls.  Instead, they stick to the bottoms of your feet and you track all three hundred forty-six billion of them from end to end of the kitchen.  That way, when you're trying to vaccuum them up, you just chase them and scrape them off your feet and then step on them again and finally give up and vaccuum your feet.  It was loads of fun.

Today, we made egg rolls for supper.  I had two very beautiful helpers in the kitchen. 

Aidyn kept saying, "I like arrows (egg rolls).  You like arrows too?"

Here's the filling that we made:

 And here they are filled.  They look questionable.  There are several things that they resemble, but I'm not gonna say...

Monday, September 19, 2011


Last week was Homecoming here in RL.  Unfortunately, Monday was picture day.  I despise school pictures.  I looked 'special' in my picture last year.  "Lean forward, honey.  A little more.  Look to the left.  A little more.  Big smile, doll.  Open your eyes wide, hun."  Needless to say, I look like a deer in the headlights, with a broken neck, about to kiss the camera because I'm leaning so far.  I look like a stroke victim.  Anyhoo, Monday was Crazy Sock day.  I asked the photographer to take a picture of my black and orange striped socks to put in the yearbook.  He ix-nayed that.  I hate him. 

Tuesday was TV Character Day.  My friend was Miranda Lambert, sans guitar.  I was Vickie Lawerence from Mama's Family.  I ended up looking like my grandma. 

Wednesday was Class Color Day.  In Elementary, we don't choose a color, so Maranda and I wore some shirts we'd bought this summer for Twin Day (which was cancelled due to stupid picture day...).

Friday was Wild about the Steers Day.  I haven't gotten all the pictures from that day yet.  It was wild all day!

Here's a photo of Lane with his teacher, Mrs. Myers.  He loves her.  In fact, he loves her so much that he wouldn't sit with me at the pep rally because he wanted to sit with her.  :(

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Someone was mean to my niece.  I'm not happy about it.  I love my nieces and nephews like they are my own children-- with benefits.  I don't have to spank them.  No one. Messes.With. My. Family. For real.  My sis called to tell me about it yesterday, and I'm still upset.  I can't imagine someone not thinking that she is so sweet and precious.  I can't understand her calling out and no one helping her- especially those paid to do so.  Me and SunShine School 'bout to go round and round.  Fo real.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wanna Play a Game???

Do you know what this is??

If you guessed flour, you'd be incorrect.

If you guessed baking soda, you'd still be wrong.

It's..... cornstarch.

Would you like to take a stab at how it may have ended up all over my kitchen floor?

That's our kitty cat, Flower.  She didn't have anything to do with the cornstarch incident, but she ended up with some on her whiskers.  (You're not very good at this game are you?)

Hey!!  Looky there.  This little monster dumped the ENTIRE can of cornstarch on the floor.  Do you know
what happens to cornstarch when you add water?  It turns to glue!!  It was super duper fun to get off of the floor.  After I thought I had it all cleaned up, I realized it had left a nice gritty film on the floor.  I had to get on my hands and knees and use Clorox Wipes to get it off.  I thought that when your children turned two you could get rid of the child safety stuff.  I was mistaken-  we're going to BUY some this weekend!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I think we all know I have issues.  :)  What I'm having issues with today, is the amount of time it's taking me to get my grades back from my professors.  Obviously, I'm required to turn in my assignments on time to avoid penalty.  During the summer, I turned in one paper at 12:01 a.m. and was penalized.  I ended up with an 89.3 in the class.  Did she give me an 'A?'  Crap no.  It's my only B.  So here I am, using my time more wisely.  I turned in two papers in August that I still haven't received a grade for!  I realize that these Ph.D's are busy, but really?  In two weeks you couldn't find time to give me a little feedback?  I've turned in four more papers since then!  Hope I was on the right track!! 

Enough ranting.  Here are a couple of pictures from this week. 

Lane came running in the living room wearing this get up promising to protect me from all monsters and rangers (?).  Please keep in mind that the only movies he's ever watched are Rio and Toy Story.  The only television show he watches is Sponge Bob.  Hmmmm....

Aidyn looks like Boo from Monsters Inc. with these little piggy tails.

This week at school is Homecoming.  If you're not from a small town,  you can't possibly understand what this entails here.  It's CRAZY.  The toddlers around here even know what it is.  I'll sum it up like this:  On Friday when it's time for the parade, you could rob any place in town.  The bank is CLOSED so people can watch the parade.  Stay tuned for pictures.  You won't be disappointed. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Almost Never...

Ever had one of those days when you wake up so filled with snot that you're sure your face will come blowing off any second?  I'm rarely sick.  I hate to be sick.  I will myself to stay healthy.  That has not been the case this year.  In June of this year I got very ill.  I saw my doc, Dr. C four times in two weeks.  After about two dozen blood tests, four different drugs, and hydrocodiene for a headache I couldn't kick, he still didn't know what I had.  His best explanation was Bacterial Menengitis. Yippee for me!!!  I lost about 10 pounds in two weeks.  I've attached before and after photos of myself.  I'm sure you can see the substantial weight loss. 

Anyhoo, I wouldn't recommend this method of weight loss.  It pretty much sucked.  I just have a cold this time, but it makes me nervous to think about being that sick again. 

In other news, here are some snapshots of our week.  We have Steer Spirit!

Here's my big boy who started Pre-K this year.  He LOVES school!

My big, beautiful 6th Grader- she got contacts, but they hadn't come in for this pic.

Sometimes I draw on my children with eyeliner.  I don't know why, so don't ask.  Trint asked if it was Sharpie.  Seriously? 

In typical dad fashion, here's my son scratching his butt and holding his balls...

 This is a photo of Aidyn being sweet...

Have a good Labor Day weekend!