Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wanna Play a Game???

Do you know what this is??

If you guessed flour, you'd be incorrect.

If you guessed baking soda, you'd still be wrong.

It's..... cornstarch.

Would you like to take a stab at how it may have ended up all over my kitchen floor?

That's our kitty cat, Flower.  She didn't have anything to do with the cornstarch incident, but she ended up with some on her whiskers.  (You're not very good at this game are you?)

Hey!!  Looky there.  This little monster dumped the ENTIRE can of cornstarch on the floor.  Do you know
what happens to cornstarch when you add water?  It turns to glue!!  It was super duper fun to get off of the floor.  After I thought I had it all cleaned up, I realized it had left a nice gritty film on the floor.  I had to get on my hands and knees and use Clorox Wipes to get it off.  I thought that when your children turned two you could get rid of the child safety stuff.  I was mistaken-  we're going to BUY some this weekend!

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