Saturday, August 4, 2012

Excuses, Excuses

I know it's been so long since I blogged.  I have no good excuses, except that I HAVE FINISHED MY MASTER'S DEGREE!  I started in June 2011 and finished on July 31, 2012.  I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of myself:)  I worked hard at it because I knew that if I didn't take a full load, I might put it off and get totally burned out.  I'm glad to be done.  I don't have plans to use it right now, but you never know what the future may hold. 

In other news, a couple of friends and I went to Las Vegas for a girl's trip in July.  It was so super fun.  I enjoyed getting away for a couple of days and hanging out by the pool and doing a little shopping and sightseeing.  I gambled a little, but it tears me up to lose money, so I'd prefer to spend it on something material instead.  Ha! 

For one vacation, we went to Arlington to watch my fabulous nephew be sworn into the Air Force at the Texas Ranger's Game.  It was amazing, and sad, and wonderful all at once.  I'm so very proud of him and it didn't hurt that we got to watch the Rangers win!  I REALLY wanted to catch a glimpse of George Bush and Nolan Ryan, but it wasn't to be... :( 

Besides getting to go to the game, we went to Grapevine Mills and visited the aquarium.  It was very cool and the kids were able to get up close to the fish.  We all enjoyed it. 

THEN, on our big family vacay, we went to Concan on the Frio for five days.  It was amazing.  We stayed in a great house that had a bathroom in every room :) and a pool.  I'd say we easily spent five or six hours everyday in the pool.  I loved it and I think we've pretty much decided that we'll be doing it every year.  We may select a different location, but we'll stick with the rental house idea.  I miss it...

That's all I have for now.  I'll try to be better.  Maybe...